27 DEC 2021
caring for indoor plants

One of the best small investments you can make is to fill your home with plants. As the years pass, they will repay your outlay many times over in the benefits they bring. Not only do houseplants inject vibrancy and life into a room, they improve the atmosphere of their surroundings, removing impurities from the air. In addition, keeping houseplants in pristine condition keeps you involved with nature in a caring and nurturing way.
At For Peat’s Sake, we have 4 Top Tips for caring for indoor plants:
1. Always repot your plants. Once you get them back from the garden centre, remove them from their plastic pot and repot in one a couple of inches larger so that they have room to grow.
2. Repot in coir compost. Although the soil your plant comes in may be fine, it won’t be professional-grade eco coir compost, the choice of top growers worldwide. The substrate can make the difference between growing a good plant and a great one. The fibre structure of For Peat’s Sake compost is superb at retaining both water and vital nutrients. To guarantee years of pleasure and satisfaction caring for your houseplant investment, you’ve got to start it in the best substrate.
3. Water your houseplants. First read the label to learn what the grower recommends: some plants unsurprisingly require more water than others. Then read the soil. It’s the best guide to what’s required. Too moist and you’re in danger of rotting your plant. Too dry and your plant obviously needs a drink. It depends on the season too. In summer, as a general rule, water perhaps twice a week. In winter every seven to ten days. Use enough water to moisten the soil to a depth of about 10cms. Be careful not to overwater because most plants don’t like saturated roots.
4. Fertilise your houseplants. Houseplants require a steady supply of nutrients to flourish. We prefer a simple liquid fertiliser diluted in water and applied with a watering can. Most houseplants grow in spring and summer, so this is the best time to fertilise. In winter, they may require little or no fertiliser. However, no two plants are exactly the same, so we’d recommend you research their individual needs. The more you know about your plants, the better you can care for them and the more pleasure they will give you.